Immigration and new emerging pathologies. Paying attention
The social phenomenon of migration involves large movements of population from their place of birth or habitual life to other geographical areas, usually with more economic development and better living standards. It is a challenge on many levels, for the population and health systems of the receiving countries.
From the point of view of clinical practice, the most important challenge is the detection of new diseases not present in the receiving society, and this requires a high level of alertness.
We show here two clinical images from two patients from sub-Saharan Africa, related to two diseases that can be present also in the society to which they arrive, but in much smaller proportion until now. Another peculiarity, is that, due to the different colour of the skin of people coming from Africa, the signs may be masked if we look at them with the idea we have of their presence in European populations of different type of skin.
A) Sporadic Kaposi´s Sarcoma

B) Leprosy and infection inside the migration boat(Patera´s foot)