Case Analysis Theater


We want to expose the analysis of real clinical cases in a different way, enhancing the experience and contribution of every “actor” in a clinical encounter, following the principles of a “Case Analysis” under the concepts of Patient Safety and Diagnostic Improvement.


1)to expose the clinical reasoning involved  in a particular  diagnostic process.

2) to show the outcome of this reasoning over the patient situation

3) to develop a teaching tool useful in another clinical environment.

The name “Clinical Theater” has been used previously by Borlefts et al. in 2003 in Utrecht, as a tool to teach clinical reasoning, but our strategy is different ,even with a similar name (1).

Real cases and the real decisions will be exposed

1) Borleffs JCCusters EJvan Gijn Jten Cate OT.  Clinical Reasoning Theater: a new approach to clinical reasoning education. Acad. Med. 2003; 78:322-325

School of Medical Sciences, University Medical Center Utrechts, The Netherlands.

