Clinical Reasoning Game (prototype)
Clinical Reasoning Game
This is a game based on a clinical case about a patient disoriented and confused.
- You have to select the link for a virtual dice and copy the address in your browser (
- You have to select the information about anamnesis and physical examination
- Once you have read the information you can do two things: write the diagnosis and go direct to the cell of the answer, then you win if your diagnosis agrees with the one exposed. The second possibility is to play with the virtual dice and you have to select the cell after the number in the dice. If another person is playing in another computer the winner will be the person who decides to stop the dice and he or she will be able to suggest a correct diagnosis.
- The game tries to show a real clinical environment, where the time spend in request more information is important, but also a quick diagnosis could be life saving.
- This is the link to access to the operative game to copy into your browser:
- You need Word and a PDF reader.
Lorenzo Alonso